Monday, March 17, 2008

How to pronounce 'Elaver'...

Since 'Hotbeerbrat' is neck and neck with 'Theoretical Boil' we decided not to follow the advice of those voting. But go ahead, keep voting, it makes us laugh.

So back to the name we are actually going to use, Elaver. Pronunciation key: el-uh-ver.

Cheers from the Elavers!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

some name options

What happens when you rearrange Lorberblatt-Nelipovich? Well, here's a beginning. Lots of other suggestions coming soon.

Nellor, Nelor, Neler, Nelore, O’neil, Neil, Leni, Lanar, Arlan, Neil, Brevin, Briven, Harlan, Eliver, Elaver, Blaatch, Neliber, Viber, Rosan, Nelibert, Neleiver, Laven, Elivne, Leven, Eliber, Orlip, Vaproll, Orbit, Iran, Norbert, Raven, Latnel, Natlop, Berber, Vitlop, Pelvis, Neber, Elevator, Liplober, Blathe, Vinkel, Vipel, Velch, Elvis, Laurelson, Poblatt, Neivich, Lorel, Neliepo, Leipott, Liber, Rebel, Nailer, Lorbervich, Nelipoblatt, Nelible, Norible, Elitt, Elate, Latvich, Berlip, Erbovich, Erbovatt, Orton, Neiproll, Vetiver, Neliterd, O’Nelly

in the 'glass house' after the ceremony

Yes, we're married!

We decided to elope in Georgia last week. The official ceremony happened at a wonderful place called The Hostel in the Forest - a rustic hostel near Brunswick, GA.