Sunday, March 16, 2008

some name options

What happens when you rearrange Lorberblatt-Nelipovich? Well, here's a beginning. Lots of other suggestions coming soon.

Nellor, Nelor, Neler, Nelore, O’neil, Neil, Leni, Lanar, Arlan, Neil, Brevin, Briven, Harlan, Eliver, Elaver, Blaatch, Neliber, Viber, Rosan, Nelibert, Neleiver, Laven, Elivne, Leven, Eliber, Orlip, Vaproll, Orbit, Iran, Norbert, Raven, Latnel, Natlop, Berber, Vitlop, Pelvis, Neber, Elevator, Liplober, Blathe, Vinkel, Vipel, Velch, Elvis, Laurelson, Poblatt, Neivich, Lorel, Neliepo, Leipott, Liber, Rebel, Nailer, Lorbervich, Nelipoblatt, Nelible, Norible, Elitt, Elate, Latvich, Berlip, Erbovich, Erbovatt, Orton, Neiproll, Vetiver, Neliterd, O’Nelly


Miranda said...

Can't believe you didn't become Mr. and Mrs. Pelvis, I'm so happy for you guys! Post more pictures!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!!! Do please post more pix!!